
1st Place - Awarded

Orion Energy Systems’ exterior lighting wins gold at Plant Engineering awards

MANITOWOC, Wis. — March 31, 2010 — Orion Energy Systems Inc. (Nasdaq:
OESX) was awarded first place in the lighting category at the Plant Engineering Product
of the Year Awards held Monday.

Michigan State University presented with the Orion Stewardship Award for Enviromental achievement.

Examples of our lighting solutions



In this economy, what is first and foremost on everyone’s mind...... cost cutting, energy efficiency and "Going Green". With the high efficiency and high performance of the Orion Lighting fixtures all of the above are addressed.

Here are just a few examples of companies that are saving energy dollars with our high efficiency/high performance lighting fixtures: Food Service Warehouses, Office Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, Equestrian Arenas/Agricultural Facilities, Indoor and Outdoor Parking, Gymnasuims, and Auto Collision Facilities.

FACT:  One 400w HID uses 465 watts per hour.  By replacing that HID with our patented T8, 6 Lamp  OpenHighBay fixture, which uses 221 watts per hour, you will save 235 watts per hour, per fixture GUARANTEED.

One of our newest additions of high quality-energy efficient products, is our Apollo Light Pipe. These pipes use natural sunlight to light your facility and can be use in conjunction with transitional fixtures that increase or decrease as the natural lighting changes. The cost savings on these fixtures are unbelievable. Natural lighting is your primary source of energy ~ why pay for what is free. Superior, patented design means that the Apollo Light Pipe will be effective even when the days are not clear. Even on an overcast day half of the lamps could be turned off - saving 50% of the lighting energy.